Love and the Person-centred Approach a workshop with Dr Manu Bazzano


Love and the Person-centred Approach: Eros, Agape, and Unconditional Positive Regard an AD4E workshop

U.P.R., a key notion in person-centred and humanistic therapies, means radical acceptance of self and others. It sits at the cusp of Agape (impersonal, divine love) and Eros (relational, transformative desire). The ancient Greeks had several other names for love, each of them related to different circumstances and interactions. We will explore some of these experientially and in theory, drawing on the work of Carl Rogers, Suzanne Keys, Peter Schmidt, Manu Bazzano, and others. The workshop is suitable to experienced therapists, trainees, and anyone interested in human development.

Dr Manu Bazzano is an author, person-centred/existential therapist/supervisor and internationally recognized lecturer and facilitator. He has been editor of Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapies Journal Among his books: Re-Visioning Person-centred Therapy: the Theory and Practice of a Radical Paradigm (Routledge, 2018) and Nietzsche and Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2019). His latest book is Subversion and Desire: Pathways to Transindividuation.

Tickets available here