Tag: addiction
Antidepressant Dependence Discussed at the Seat of Welsh Government – Video
In parts of Wales in the UK, one in six adults takes antidepressants and support for anyone struggling with dependence or withdrawal issues is patchy and inconsistent. To help draw attention to these issues, an awareness day was arranged for the Welsh Government and here we provide video of the presentations made at the Senedd in Cardiff, Wales.
Addiction and Dependence: Are the Media Aware They’re Not the Same?
From The Foundation For Economic Education. Addiction is not the same as dependence. Yet politicians and many in the media use the two words interchangeably....
Johann Hari: Lost Connections
An interview with journalist and author Johann Hari about his latest book: Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real causes of Depression and the Unexpected Solutions, in which he learned that almost everything we have been told about depression and anxiety is wrong.
Ketamine Antidepressant Could Bring Opioid-like Addiction Risks, Study Warns
From The Independent. Ketamine-based treatments for severe depression could further fuel the addiction epidemic sweeping the US, researchers have warned, after a new study found the drug...
Conflicts of Interest Questioned in Review of Prescribed Drug Dependence
An interview with Professor Sami Timimi, Psychiatrist Peter Gordon and campaigner Stevie Lewis, who talk about the potential for conflicts of interest with the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists participation in a Government-led review of Prescribed Drug Dependence.