Tag: Electroshock
Psychiatry’s Loch Ness Monster: NICE shows nearly no evidence for ECT
ECT, or Electro-Convulsive Therapy, is one of the most divisive issues in psychiatry. Most lay people assume “That was abandoned long ago?”, but it is...
A group of 40 professionals, researchers, ECT recipients and carers has written to Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, asking for an independent review into ECT along the lines of the recent Cumberlege report into pelvic meshes.
John Read and Irving Kirsch – Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Does the...
An interview with John Read and Irving Kirsch to discuss their paper which calls to prohibit ECT. This is because the negative effects of ECT are so strong, the evidence supporting it is so weak (especially in the long-term and beyond the improvement due to placebo) and there are other means of addressing the difficulties that the person is struggling with.
Electro-Convulsive Therapy is Still Used in 2020: is 80 Years of...
My view is ECT should be treated as an experimental, unproven procedure (because it is) and stopped nationally pending rigorous controlled research which monitors whether it works better than placebo 6 months or years after the final session has stopped.
Electroconvulsive Therapy Being Used on Teens in NHS Trusts
Thousands of patients with mental health issues, including teenagers, are being given electroconvulsive therapy despite links to brain damage.