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London, UK
Tuesday, 14, January, 2025

Tag: antipsychotics

What are we overlooking? Reviewing current and alternative treatments for psychosis

In Part 1, I looked at the longer-term inefficacy of ‘maintenance treatment’ with antipsychotics, and also at some ‘disappointing’ outcomes for ‘early intervention in psychosis’...

What the RADAR Trial Tells Us About Antipsychotic Reduction and Discontinuation

Although the trial showed that relapse is more likely if you reduce antipsychotic medication, it did not show that relapse is inevitable.

Lasting Damage from Prescribed Drugs

Doctors must understand and explain that drugs change the brain, and other parts of the body, in ways that we do not fully understand, that are almost always harmful to some degree, and that may be irreversible.

Exploring Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Town Hall Discussion Series

Our new discussion series aims to explore what we do and don’t know about safe withdrawal from antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines and stimulants. We will seek to present and explore new understandings emerging from professional and lived-experience communities. We will discuss the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to support those having difficulty getting off psychiatric drugs.

Unconventional Views About Mental Health

Every year thousands of medical students go through and we explain to them the risks associated with certain drugs. Why is it now when I am saying that maybe my colleagues are underestimating those risks, I’ve been pulled up with complaints?