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London, UK
Sunday, 08, September, 2024

Tag: antidepressants

Psychiatry, Fraud, and the Case for a Class-Action Lawsuit

Editor's Note: this post was written and published by our sister site Mad in America on 13th August 2022, and is republished here with...

Part two: response to criticism of our chemical imbalance paper 

MITUK Editor: On July 20th, psychiatrist Professor Joanna Moncrieff, whose work appears regularly on this site, published a review article along with colleagues Dr...

The Politics of Distress: A discussion with Dr. James Davies on...

Our system fails because it colludes with social structures that themselves generate harmful ways of being in the world. The sector at best sedates these states while at the same time exonerates harmful social arrangements by over-emphasising the so-called internal and disordered causes of structural distress.  

Lasting Damage from Prescribed Drugs

Doctors must understand and explain that drugs change the brain, and other parts of the body, in ways that we do not fully understand, that are almost always harmful to some degree, and that may be irreversible.

How Little We Really Know About Psychiatric Drugs

Joanna Moncrieff reflects on what has and has not changed in the field of psychiatric drug treatment in the years between the first and newly published second edition of the Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Drugs.