Tag: anxiety
Don’t Believe Everything You Read: Words Matter Desperately
The use of five words — depression, anxiety, guilt, bullying, and microaggression — has skyrocketed in print, in media, and among both professionals and laypeople, and this is causing harm.
Wilful Blindness
For those who have experienced harm the abuse starts by not being believed by GPs and psychiatrists when in withdrawal. To then have abuse levelled at them on social media seems to confirm that psychiatry is not interested in learning from its mistakes, only about its preservation.
Appropriate Responses to a Pandemic: How are Your Seven Emotional Systems?
Our safety systems have been alerted to differing levels since January 2020 when the coronavirus epidemic came to light. The appropriateness of this fear response needs to be highlighted, in part because it will protect us, and in part because we must normalise this response rather than viewing it as a ‘disorder’.
Johann Hari: Lost Connections
An interview with journalist and author Johann Hari about his latest book: Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real causes of Depression and the Unexpected Solutions, in which he learned that almost everything we have been told about depression and anxiety is wrong.
The Defeat Depression Campaign
From Hole Ousia. I was started on an SSRI antidepressant in the period not long after the “Defeat Depression Campaign,” in my case for “Social Anxiety...