Working to Transmute the Pain: Why I Do the Work I Do
Why do I do the work that I do? It began with a childlike desire for those I believed in to believe in me....
Insane Medicine: Epilogue
I wanted to interrogate the assumptions that pervade theory, research, and practice in mental health. You can see the emptiness of the empirical and philosophical paradigms in circulation.
My depression was caused by eco-destruction, not brain dysfunction
Moropus skeleton. IMAGE: Matt Colborn.
The first “anti-depressant” I ever took was called Imipramine. The pills were circular and maroon. Imipramine is a tricyclic anti-depressant. Common...
Pain, grief, loss, regret
I will never be able to come to terms with the fact that I have spent my entire adult life slowly killing myself with...
Insane Medicine, Chapter 7: Industrialised Psychotherapy Markets Western Folk Psychology (Part 2)
Sam Timimi contrasts the folk psychology brands of CBT and McMindfulness with empowering frameworks such as Open Dialogue and the Power Threat Meaning Framework.