3.9 C
London, UK
Friday, 07, February, 2025

Tag: child and adolescent mental health

No, one in five children do not have a ‘mental disorder’

Last week, the NHS announced that 18% of children aged seven to 16 have a ‘probable mental disorder’. Among 17-19-year-olds, that rises to 26%. Mind-bogglingly,...

The Mental Wealth Crisis

We live in a society where academia is our measurement of good parenting.  Teaching good relationships to encourage our children to develop empathy and manage their emotional regularity is rarely considered.  Parents assume that children ‘glean’ this information and don’t identify our society’s individualism and consumerism as the main culprits in causing our ‘mental wealth crisis’.

C.O.P.E Campaign Group Launches Petition To Better Safeguard Infants From Prescribed...

We hold the view that a caring and morally mindful society must better safeguard children by allowing them to develop their unique personalities and behaviours without the use of a first response to prescribe psychiatric drugs for behavioural difficulties.

Mental Health Problems Among the Young Risen Six-fold Since the Rise...

From The Telegraph. Mental health problems among the young have risen six-fold since the advent of social media, a major study shows. The research by University...