16.6 C
London, UK
Sunday, 08, September, 2024

Challenging a Diagnosis

Psychiatric diagnoses have far-reaching consequences for every area of your life: welfare, employment, health and travel insurance, physical and mental health assessment/treatment, adoption rights, and social stigma, to name but a few. Yet they are just subjective opinions with no scientific basis and can change over time.

Top 10 Myths about the critics of psychiatry

Following the publication of Joanna Moncrieff and Mark Horowitz’s Chemical Imbalance review last month we at MITUK have been increasingly aware of the strongly...

Unconventional Views About Mental Health

Every year thousands of medical students go through and we explain to them the risks associated with certain drugs. Why is it now when I am saying that maybe my colleagues are underestimating those risks, I’ve been pulled up with complaints?

The Power Threat Meaning Framework – A critique of a critique

The Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF), a conceptual alternative to the diagnostic model of distress co-produced by psychologists and survivors, has attracted an extraordinary...

New Campaign: Supporting Litigation Against Mental Health Services Protecting Harmful Psychiatric Practice

People experiencing emotional distress and unusual psychological experiences, need protecting from the pathology-driven medical diagnostic approach, which has resulted in much untoward death and significant harm over the past half century.