Tag: psychiatry
Calling someone ‘anti-psychiatry’ is not an argument – and for many...
Editor’s note: this article was originally published on Mad in the UK in February 2020. We will be re-publishing some of our favourite posts...
Part two: response to criticism of our chemical imbalance paper
MITUK Editor: On July 20th, psychiatrist Professor Joanna Moncrieff, whose work appears regularly on this site, published a review article along with colleagues Dr...
When treatment makes you sick: the eating disorder clinic
Of course I wish I had never endured the years of brainwashing and lies in that clinic. But I had the good fortune to get out. I don’t know how to help others being told their ‘eating disorder’ is a lifelong sentence that requires constant management. I have my voice, and I will use it
The Politics of Distress: A discussion with Dr. James Davies on...
Our system fails because it colludes with social structures that themselves generate harmful ways of being in the world. The sector at best sedates these states while at the same time exonerates harmful social arrangements by over-emphasising the so-called internal and disordered causes of structural distress.
The WHO Calls for Radical Change in Global Mental Health
The World Health Organisation newly published guidance for community mental health urges an end to forced treatment and the adoption of person-centred and rights-based services.