Pathogenic societies and collective madness: A critical look at normalcy
Although the so-called mental disorders undoubtedly have a biological correlate, their nature goes beyond the body involving social, cultural, and psychological dimensions. More often than not our suffering is the result of how we organize our affairs on a collective level
Insane Medicine, Chapter 4: The Manufacture of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Part 1)
Because the “scientists” who study, categorise, and establish guidelines for autism can’t find anything definitive, they resort to scientism. Over time, it becomes part of our cultural “common sense.”
Call for participants: Research Study on Method of Levels (MOL) Therapy For People Living...
You are being invited to take part in a research study to explore what people experiencing symptoms of psychosis whilst living in the community think of Method of Levels as an online psychological therapy.
Insane Medicine, Chapter 3: The Manufacture of ADHD (Part 2)
Sami Timimi discusses the lack of findings for a genetic or neurobiological basis for ADHD, and explores the short- and long-term effects of stimulant drugs.
The Spurning of Knowledge at Mental Health Tribunals: Personal Reflections
Identity prejudice has worked in advance of the Tribunal to adversely impact any hope of a fair testimonial exchange by undermining my credibility to an extent that even my views on what is important to my own quality of life were effectively not considered.