Sally Paul is a psychiatric survivor who was labelled as having borderline personality disorder before being abandoned by the mental health system. This is what she wrote about herself and the beautiful stained glass pieces she crafted, some of which are pictured below.
“I turned a corner by moving to another smaller town, and taking up some new creative hobbies. I did loom knitting projects, and French knitting, stencilling tiles, and making windchimes out of beads and crystals.
I also made a few bits with air drying clay. But my main focus has been on creating stained glass copper foil pieces. I try to sell a few bits so the hobby can pay for itself – it’s the only way I can afford to continue. Yet my crafting has been a life saver and provides me with far more benefit than any ‘meds’ do.
About my guitar pieces:
Ok. I haven’t really ever written this down as it’s just been something I’ve felt.
Guitars have always been a part of my life. My dad plays (when he can now, with his uncooperative tendons)!!
Guitars have been as essential to his life as his daily vitamins.
There’s also been a couple of family friends whom I grew up with and have known since my birth.
One lady, Sue, was in a band with my dad; unfortunately she died of cancer when my ‘illness’ was at its worst in 2002! I loved her so much. I can’t play guitar myself, and I am in awe of people who can. Music is a universal language that can bring people together. And we need more of that!
My homage to my friend Sue, was to create a guitar piece which I can also use as a light. It helps me to remember her. The light she brought to my life is demonstrated in the actual light of the guitar.
So what I have created has become a very visual ode to her.
Bringing into the present, the love I had for her then.
Whenever I turn the lights on, I remember her and the joy she brought, in her music, poetry and laughter- a very visual depiction of love and remembrance.
I wanted to make something beautiful too, which included a part of myself within it. The designs I chose, specifically came from the things I hold dear.
The guitars are very precious to me – a reminder not just of Sue but also the value of those I love, of friendship, connection and community.
More of Sally work can be found on her Instagram page here, or you can find her at Alton Market.
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