October 1st AD4E workshop: ‘Anxiety’ – from enemy to friend. Exploring a different relationship.


‘Anxiety’ – from enemy to friend.

Rejecting the disorder narrative around anxiety and exploring a different relationship.

Date and time

Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:00 – 12:00 BST



When our anxiety is labelled as a disorder, a mental health problem or any other negative term we risk absorbing the messages that we can’t trust ourselves and that we have no autonomy. We are its victim and it is happening ‘to’ us. Breaking away from this deficit veiw of our own minds that has been imposed on us by the medical model is one of the most important things we can do. Ray’s workshop will help us to do just this. (AD4E)

In this workshop we will reflect, think together, discuss and explore practical ways in which we can learn to live well with a different relationship with anxiety and help others to do the same. This is a strengths and rights based non-pathologising, trauma-informed approach that does not use the Bio-medical approach of diagnosing people with anxiety disorders. Diagnosis of such disorders can increase people’s anxiety and reduce their sense of personal agency that they can do soemthing about it.

Ray will outline a number simple techniques that can help. One set of skills involve “Zooming out” and putting anxiety in the bigger context of our life-journey – or quest narratives – so it makes sense. Ray also introduces some ideas about how different kinds of power work to increase or decrease anxiety, drawing on the Power Threat Meaning framework – including economic and material power, interpersonal and the power of belonging to a group, and how powerful sets of ideas (ideology) and the fear of social judgement / social comparison can influence our anxiety experience.

Ray also looks at ways to “Zoom in” and dissect our experience of anxiety into 9 parts in order to gain a sense of mastery or agency over.

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