Family Panel Discussion – Supporting a child, teen, or young person in crisis


This week we are sharing the audio from a recently held online discussion on supporting a child, teen or young adult in crisis. The host is Mad in America’s Family Editor, Amy Biancolli, and with her are guest speakers Ciara Fanlo, a recovered troubled teen, Morna Murray, a parent who supports her son through crisis, and Sami Timimi, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. It’s an honest and thought-provoking discussion and vital listening for anyone with an interest in parenting or the challenges facing our young people.

Listen to the podcast on Mad in America here 

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MITUK’s mission is to serve as a catalyst for fundamentally re-thinking theory and practice in the field of mental health in the UK, and promoting positive change. We believe that the current diagnostically-based paradigm of care has comprehensively failed, and that the future lies in non-medical alternatives which explicitly acknowledge the causal role of social and relational conflicts, abuses, adversities and injustices.