Have you taken a benzodiazepine (such as Diazepam, Lorazepam, Clonazepam) and been
off it for a year or more? Would you be willing to talk about your experiences?
I’m a Trainee Counselling Psychologist at the University of East London researching people’s experiences of recovery from benzodiazepine physical dependence, withdrawal and/or protracted harm, what they think helped them (if anything), and their views on what services to support people with physical dependence and harm in the UK should look like. I am looking to interview people who found it difficult to stop or come off of
The interviews would be one-to-one online over Microsoft Teams (a video application
similar to Zoom) and last between 30-90 minutes depending on how much or little you
would like to share.
This website gives you a bit more information about who I am looking to involve
https://benzodiazepineresearch.weebly.com/ and you can contact me at [email protected] if you think you might be interested in taking part or have any
questions for me. This research is supervised by Professor John Read and has been approved by University of East London School of Psychology Research Ethics Committee.
I look forward to speaking to some of you.
Aslı Anık