Overuse of damaging medication which often makes a person into someone they are not robs people of their identity alongside putting them in a box that has no real evidence, and even if symptoms are representative of a label, assessment is most often subjective from the point of the psychiatrist who never really gets to know the person in the majority of cases.
In my experience people achieve a more flourishing life and higher functioning when not under the power and control of this service. Even when treatment is not being forced onto someone it can be forcibly removed from them, particularly present in the diagnosis of ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’. It is even the case that people may be detained under the mental health act as they are deemed to not have capacity but then they will be told to take responsibility for themselves. Is this not a contradiction?
Yes, I believe we all should be responsible for ourselves if we can be but this contradiction just does not make sense. People given with this label who express a wondering about their sexuality are then given another ‘tick’ on the list from the diagnostic manual! Is this not discrimination? They are also said to be hard to treat/manage or difficult/challenging and are stigmatised for their ‘mental health’ from mental health services.
I would argue that anyone who is treated in the way most people are when given this diagnosis would be difficult or challenging, as I think if anyone in society is treated with such contempt then they would protest. I think people experiencing the difficulties often associated with this diagnosis are actually very responsive to treatment when treated as a human being who has feelings and